April 20, 2025Paper Submission
May 10, 2025Date of Conference
May 29, 2025Call for papers
The goal of the conference is the presentation of the latest knowledge achieved as part of the scientific research activities of doctoral students in full-time and part-time study.
The conference is organized under the auspices of Assoc. Prof. Ing. Peter Korba, PhD., Ing. Paed. IGIP, Dean of Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Kosice.
The main goal of conference is to provide an international forum for PhD. students to share research findings and practical experience. The conference aim is to provide a meeting place where people can identify new research ideas and techniques for introducing them into widespread use.
The conference is dedicated to various research topics from air transport operations, economic aspects of day-to-day operations, air traffic management, aviation safety and security, aircraft technologies, unmanned aerial systems, human factors and ergonomics in aviation.
Topics of the conference:
- CAD, CAM, CAX, CAE - technologies in aviation, progressive design technologies, composite materials, advanced simulation methods, constructive design.
- Design and operation of intelligent logistics systems.
- New approaches in aviation maintenance and operation.
- Socially and environmentally responsible economic development.
- Proactive management in the digital economy and marketing.
- Life cycle management of aircraft technology.
Papers submitted to conference should not have been published elsewhere and must not be under the review or submitted for the review elsewhere while under consideration for the conference.
All papers must be written in English language and confirm, at time of submission, to the rules for submitting contributions. You may utilize the template (template in English) provided on our website. Submissions must be written in Microsoft Word format with a limit from 5 to max 10 pages of text together with figures, tables and literature for each paper.
Information for presenters
The presentation should be in the ppt. format, and should not be longer than 10-12 minutes. The time slot for one presentation is 15 minutes including questions from the audience. On the day of the conference please bring the presentation with you on a USB key and be ready to upload it to the conference computer before the start of the section in which you are presenting. The presentation can be either in Slovak or English language. Please respect these guidelines when preparing your presentation to help us keep to the program.
Presentation at the conference
The conference language is English and Slovak.
Conference venue
Technical university of Košice, Faculty of Aeronautics, Rampová 7, 040 21 Košice, Slovakia
Submission Preparation Checklist
- The authors warrant that the work is original and that it contains no content that is illegal or offends any proprietary right or any copyright.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is considered in another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in the Microsoft Word document file format in accordance with a provided template.
- When images are embedded in Word, the original images (TIFF/EPS files) are submitted also separately.
Guarantors of the conference

Assoc. Prof. Ing. Peter Korba, PhD.,

Prof. Ing. Ladislav Főző, PhD., Ing. Paed. IGIP

Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Miroslav Kelemen, DrSc.
Scientific committee
Organizational committee
Samer Al-Rabeei
Ing. PhD.
Peter Hanak
Ing. PhD.
Matej Ščerba
Ing. MBA
Martina Koščáková
Martin Venceľ
Ing. PhD.
Adam Turac
Registration fee
All participants who wish to attend the conference (active participation) have to pay the registration fee, which includes organization expenses, refreshment during the conference, lunch and proceedings. The registration fee is non-refundable.
The registration fee for the active participation at the conference is 150€, the passive participation 50€.
Registration fee must be paid by May 15, 2025. In the case of absence, the conference fee is not refundable.
Instruction for payment
The payments have to be made in EUR. When you make the payment by bank transfer, please, remember to indicate your name in the recipient message. Bank transfer details:
- IBAN: SK96 8180 0000 0070 0020 1621
- Variable Symbol: 61090004
- The recipient message: ISCDS - Participant’s name and surname
Contact us
Where to meet
Technical University of KosiceFaculty of Aeronautics
Rampova 7
041 21 Kosice
Say Hello
Email: iscds.lf@tuke.skPhone: +421 55 602 6106